Courses and Tutorials
Announcement Newsletter
You will receive regular announcements about upcoming events via our newsletter.
Online Tutorials
HPC.NRW develops and produces online tutorials that HPC users in NRW can use for further education.
HPC.NRW has already organized several courses and workshops on programming in C++ and Julia, the NVIDIA HPC SDK and the TotalView Debugger.
For currently planned events, please also take a look at our event calendar.
If you would like to suggest a specific course topic for the future, please contact us via

C++ Courses
Approximately once a year, HPC.NRW organises professional one-week C++ courses for beginners and advanced C++ users. The courses are very popular and are regularly fully booked.
Follow our announcement newsletter and the event calendar to be informed about future courses.
Introduction to Julia for High Performance Computing
Julia is a modern and performant programming language for scientific computing and is increasingly used in High Performance Computing (HPC). Besides the basics in Julia this course focuses on HPC aspects, e.g., code optimization, parallel programming, GPU acceleration and machine learning. This is an annual event collaborated with HPC centers in NRW, HPC.NRW Competence Network, and the NHR Alliance.