hpcCluster.nrw - nationwide HPC System

In accordance with the principles laid down in the HPC state concept, the hpcCluster.nrw cluster is being developed to provide high-performance computing (HPC) capacity for universities that do not have their own Tier 3 system or to cover their additional computing needs.
This shared common Tier 3 system is intended to provide a cost and energy efficient alternative to setting up numerous smaller local systems. It will be set up and operated at the University of Cologne.
The system is aimed at all universities and universities of applied sciences (HAWs) in the state of NRW. The cluster is intended to provide low-threshold access to HPC capacities and thus supplement the existing digital ecosystem in the field of HPC in the state.
Interested universities can acquire rights to use the system. Expressions of interest for the first stage have already been completed and the cluster will be procured in the course of 2024. The next stage will be launched in three years' time. An initial operating period of six years is envisaged for the system.
If you have any questions or are interested, please contact helpdesk@hpc.nrw.