The Jülich Supercomputing Center strengthens HPC.NRW

New partner: The Jülich Supercomputing Center strengthens HPC.NRW

With the start of the third funding phase of HPC.NRW, the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC) will become part of the competence network. In addition to the JUPITER supercomputer - the first European exascale computer - the JSC contributes special expertise in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to the competence network and thus expands the range of services for HPC users in HPC.NRW.

Since January 2025, the JSC has been the thirteenth member of the HPC.NRW competence network. Until now, researchers, admins and institutions have been supported by the HPC centers at level 2 (Aachen, Cologne, Paderborn) and level 3 (Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Duisburg-Essen, Münster and Siegen).  With the integration of Jülich, a level 1 HPC center, HPC.NRW gains a strategically important partner and consistently exploits the locational advantage of North Rhine-Westphalia. Thanks to the unique density of level 0-3 centers operating throughout Germany, HPC.NRW offers a comprehensive contact and consulting point for HPC users and operators of data centers throughout the state.

HPC.NRW sets the tone in the field of AI

By integrating Jülich, the competence network is responding to the rapidly growing importance of AI methods in almost all scientific disciplines. The increasing demand for computing capacity, both from traditional HPC user groups and AI applications, is leading to a massive increase in computing requirements in the HPC sector as a whole. HPC.NRW therefore specifically supports the development of support structures and training courses. Together with other stakeholders, the competence network coordinates AI measures so that researchers can find the right platforms, competent service and the computing power they need for their projects.

Strong partner: the Jülich Supercomputing Center
With the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich has one of the largest computing centers in Germany. As a Tier 1 center and part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), it operates the most powerful computer system in Germany with the current JUWELS system, in particular the Module Booster. With the JUPITER system, the first European system on an exaflop scale, another performance leap has been provided since the end of 2024. The system will be made available to researchers both in the context of the EuroHPC-JU and via the GCS at national level.

The JSC is characterized not only by its expertise in the operation of supercomputers, but also by its applied research in the field of AI.  In addition to excellent support, it offers users a comprehensive range of services in the field of conceptual analysis and consulting. Together with users, the JSC develops customized methodologies for problems in applied machine learning.

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