General Questions about HPC

What is HPC exactly?
How do I perform calculations on an HPC system?
I am using program XY, can I also use it on an HPC cluster?
What skills do I need to perform computations on an HPC system?
Are there any costs involved when using HPC systems?
Are licenses for commercial software available?
How is the security of the systems and my data ensured?

Questions about computing time applications

How do I gain access to an HPC system?
The site I am affiliated with does not have a local HPC center. Can I still apply for computing time with you?
Which Tier 2 centers are located in NRW?
I am a scientist in a research-based private company. Can I still apply for computing time with you?
The resources provided by my local Tier 3 center are no longer sufficient for my research. Can I request extra computing time at another site?
The resources provided by my usual Tier 2 center are no longer sufficient for my research. Can I request extra computing time at another site?
Who should I contact if I have further questions about applying for computing time?
How much computing time (CPU-hours) can I apply for at a Tier 2 center?
How can I apply for computing time at Tier 2 centers in NRW?
How can I provide proof of scalability for computing time applications?
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